Year 2 English Unit of Work based around the recount story 'Vlad and The Great Fire of London' by Kate Cunningham . 14 Lessons fully planned with objectives linked to the KS1 National Curriculum for Reading, S & L, Grammar and Writing Composition. Lessons and worksheets included. Final writing piece: Recount Writing.
Planning and resources included only. The book can be purchased here: Vlad and The Great Fire of London
Reading Objectives:
- Drawing on what they already know or on background information and vocabulary provided by the teacher.
- Predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.
- Answering and asking questions.
Speaking and Listening Objectives:
- Participate in role play.
Grammar and Spelling Objectives:
- The present and past tenses correctly and consistently, including the progressive form.
- To recognise and us apostrophes for possession (singular).
- Use of the suffixes in adjectives and the use of –ly in Standard English to turn adjectives into adverbs
- To use commas in lists.
Writing Objectives:
- Planning or saying out loud what they are going to write about.
- Writing down ideas and/or key words, including new vocabulary.
- Encapsulating what they want to say, sentence by sentence.
- Rereading to check that their writing makes sense and that verbs to indicate time are used correctly and consistently, including verbs in the continuous form.
Unit Overview:
In this unit, children will discover a classroom that looks like a scene from ‘The Great Fire of London’. The unit ‘hook’ will involve a special message from ‘Vlad’ the flea. Shared reading lessons will teach the skills needed to become a ‘good reader’. As they read the recount story book ‘VLAD and The Great Fire of London’ by Kate Cunningham, children will begin to make predictions based on what they read and using their previous knowledge. As they continue to read the text, children will generate their own questions to ask the main characters. Role play activities will encourage children to ask and answer questions in character. Grammar lessons will then be taught, covering the evidence of grammar used within the text to support the children’s learning about the progressive past tense, commas in a list, possessive apostrophe and the ‘ly’ suffix to turn adjectives into adverbs. Children will practice these grammar skills using example sentences to support them when writing their own recount about ‘The Great Fire of London’. The class will then spend time creating ‘Freeze Frames’ from the different events during ‘The Great Fire’. Children will plan ideas for their own recount using their ’senses’ to help describe what they ‘saw, heard, smelt and felt’. Shared writing lessons will support children in writing their own recount of ‘The Great Fire of London’.
Resources Included in the Zip File:
14 lessons planned (Microsoft word Document)
Asking Questions Template (PDF)
Boxton Character Image (PDF)
Character Role Play Masks (PDF)
Commas in a list Presentation (PDF)
Commas in a list rules (PDF)
Commas in a list worksheet 1 (PDF)
Commas in a list worksheet 2 (PDF)
Display Banner (PDF)
Hook - enlarged comic strip (PDF)
Hook - Comic strips (PDF)
Hook letter from Vlad (PDF)
Items for lists poster (PDF)
'ly' adverbs for display (PDF)
Make a prediction writing frame (PDF)
Past progressive tense differentiated worksheets (PDF)
Past progressesive tense matching game (PDF)
Planning a recount senses (PDF)
Possessive apostophes presentation (PDF)
Possessive apostophes display (PDF)
Possessive apostrophes worksheets (PDF)
Suffix 'ly' adverbs worksheets (PDF)
Suffix 'ly' presentation (PDF)
VLAD Character image (PDF)
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