Based around the book 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr, this 10 lesson English Unit of Work covers Year 1 National Curriculum Objectives for Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Writing Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, writing frames and much more. End of unit Writing: Story Writing (writing a story about a different zoo animal that comes for tea).
Planning and resources only are included with this purchase. The text can be purchased here: The Tiger Who Came to Tea
Unit overview:
In this unit, children will be ‘hooked’ into the story with a class tea party, with a special visit from a tiger. The class will then be introduced to the book ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr. Shared reading lessons will support to develop key reading strategies. They will begin to link events from the story to their own personal experiences. They will also begin to make inferences based on the character’s feelings from the story. Once the children are familiar with the story, they will use picture cards to sequence the story in the correct order. Following this, the class will focus on words within the text that have contractions. Recognising and reading these words, learning about the omission of letters and the apostrophe to contract the words. Adjectives used for description will then be explored within the text. Children will select their own ‘zoo’ animal to describe using adjectives. Shared and guided writing lessons will then encourage children to use a story map to plan out their ideas for their own story about a zoo animal visiting for tea. Children will use a step-by-step approach to compose sentences orally before writing them. Final writing piece: story about a different zoo animal coming to tea.
Reading Objectives:
- Becoming very familiar with key stories, retelling them and considering their particular characteristics.
- Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.
- Being encouraged to link what they read or hear read to their own experiences.
- Read words with contractions [for example, I’m, I’ll, we’ll], and understand that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter(s).
Grammar Objectives:
- To recognise and use adjectives to describe.
- Introduction to capital letters, full stops to demarcate sentences.
- Separation of words with spaces.
Writing Objectives:
- Saying out loud what they are going to write about.
- Composing a sentence orally before writing it.
- Sequencing sentences to form short narratives.
- Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense.
- Zip file includes:
- English lesson planning (10 lessons) (Microsoft Word Document)
- Animal Adjectives Worksheets (PDF)
- Contraction Matching Game (PDF)
- Contractions Worksheets (PDF)
- Contractions Presentation (PPTX)
- Crocodile Writing Frame (PDF)
- Classroom Display Banner (PDF)
- Classroom DIsplay Vocabulary (PDF)
- Giraffe Writing Frame (PDF)
- Large B&W Story Sequencing Images (PDF)
- Large Colour Story Sequencing Images (PDF)
- Linking Stories to personal experiences worksheet (PDF)
- Making Inferences Worksheet (PDF)
- My Class Tea Party Worksheet (PDF)
- Story Map (PDF)
- Story Sequencing B&W (PDF)
- Story Sequencing Colour (PDF)
- TIger Who Came to Tea Classroom Poster (PDF)
- Tiger Who Came to Tea Word Mat (PDF)
- Good Sentence Word Strips (PDF)
- Zebra Writing Frame (PDF)
- Zoo Animals Mind Map (PDF)
To download this zip file (combination of Microsoft Word, PPTX and PDF Documents), simply click to download and the download link will appear on the purchase page, on your order history and a copy will also be emailed to you.
All images credited to: DoodleArtXOXO