Year 2 English Planning and Resources, English Unit of Work based around the picture book 'The Dragon Machine' by Helen Ward. 11 Lessons fully planned with objectives linked to the KS1 National Curriculum for Reading, S & L, Grammar and Writing Composition. Lessons and worksheets included. Final writing piece: Descriptive Writing
Planning and resources included only. The book can be purchased here: The Dragon Machine
Reading Objectives:
- Participate in discussion about books, taking turns and listening to what others say.
- Predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.
- Drawing on what they already know or on background information and vocabulary provided by the teacher.
- Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.
- Discussing the sequence of events in books and how items of information are related.
Speaking and Listening Objectives:
- Participate in role play.
Grammar and Spelling Objectives:
- To learn about the use of powerful verbs.
- Expanded noun phrases for description and specification.
- Using Subordination to extend sentences (because).
Writing Objectives:
- Writing down ideas and/or key words, including new vocabulary.
- Encapsulating what they want to say, sentence by sentence.
- Proofreading to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation (for example, ends of sentences punctuated correctly).
Unit Overview:
In this unit, the children will participate in a ‘dragon hunt’ around the school, this will lead them to the text ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward. Shared reading lessons will involve making predictions based on what they have already read about the dragons in the story. Children will then use key vocabulary from the text when designing their very own labelled dragon machine, writing a short explanation on how it will operate. Inferences will then be made based upon the feelings of the main character ‘George’. The children will take part in role play activities which will support them to order and sequence the events in the story. Next the children will be taught to analyse the text more carefully, looking at the effective word choice of powerful verbs and expanded noun phrases within the text. They will then use these skills to plan and write a short description of a dragon’s appearance and personality to be collated into a whole class encyclopaedia. The final writing piece builds upon the planning, drafting and editing process for a description of Dragon Land: what it is like there once the dragon machine has landed.
Resources Included in the Zip File:
- Editable Planning Documents (11 lessons Microsoft Word Document)
- Adjectives word mat (PDF)
- Blank story map (PDF)
- Discussing the book cover worksheet (PDF)
- Dragon description planning sheets (PDF)
- Dragon Description writing frame (PDF)
- Dragon encyclopedia front cover (PDF)
- Dragon hunt worksheet (PDF)
- Dragon Land Map (PDF)
- Dragon Land Writing frame (PDF)
- Dragon machine design sheet (PDF)
- Dragon Machine display vocabulary (PDF)
- Inference questions (PDF)
- Making predictions sheet (PDF)
- Powerful verbs worksheets (PDF)
- Prediction sentence stems (PDF)
- Blank storyboard (PDF)
- The dragon machine classroom display banner (PDF)
- Dragons (hook images) (PDF)
To download this zip file, simply click to download and the download link will appear on your purchase page. A copy will be sent to your email address and to your order history.
Great lesson ideas and a good range of resources to support learning.