Based around the book 'Tell me a dragon' by Jackie Morris, this 8 lesson English Unit of Work covers Year 2 National Curriculum Objectives for S & L, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Composition. The unit includes editable planning documents, worksheets, word mats, display banners and vocabulary, writing frames and much more.
The purchase i ncludes planning and resources only. The text can be purchased from: Tell Me a Dragon
Unit overview:
In this unit the children will read ‘Tell me a Dragon’ by Jackie Morris and explore the descriptions of a different dragon on each page. The children will orally describe some images of dragons. They will then make inferences about the dragon and sequence each dragon from the book. Using different images of dragons, the children will be asked to write simple noun phrases to describe their dragon. Building upon this, they will make simple sentences using the possessive apostrophe to describe each dragon. The use of an exclamation sentence will also be taught to add variation to the children’s dragon descriptions. Using their knowledge of dragons, the children will then plan and draft their own description of a dragon. This will then be published beautifully to create a ‘Dragon Description Booklet’ for the classroom library area.
Reading Objectives
Participate in discussion about books that are read to them and those that they read themselves.
Making inferences on the basis of what is said and done.
Recognising simple recurring literary language in stories.
Speaking and Listening
Listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers.
Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge.
Use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary.
Grammar and Spelling Objectives
To use expanded noun phrases for description and specification.
To recognise how the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement and an exclamation.
To use the possessive apostrophe (singular).
Writing Objectives
Writing down ideas and/or key words, including new vocabulary.
Rereading to check that their writing makes sense and that verbs to indicate time are used correctly and consistently, including verbs in the continuous form.
Proofreading to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation (for example, ends of sentences punctuated correctly).
Resources Included in Zip File
- Tell Me a Dragon Planning 8 lessons (Microsoft Word)
- Dragons for describing Worksheets (PDF)
- Making Inferences (Microsoft Word)
- My Dragon Writing Frame (PDF)
- Noun Phrases Worksheet (PDF)
- Planning My Dragon Description Worksheet (PDF)
- Tell Me a Dragon Display Vocabulary (PDF)
- Tell Me a Dragon Display Banner (PDF)
- Tell Me a Dragon Word Map (PDF)
To download this zip file (combination of Microsoft Word and PDF Documents), simply click to download and the download link will appear on the purchase page, on your order history and a copy will also be emailed to you.